Friday, 16 August 2013

Irish literature, Debating Doping & Gambling

Dia duit! 

(If you're wondering what that means: its 'Hi' in Irish - or that's what Google Translate taught me!) 

Well this post is going to be interesting, just like my very interesting life... 

You must be wondering - Irish (? is it not supposed to be Gaelic?) literature (can Irish even be written?) ... Okaaay ... debating is understandable that's natural for you, you do it on a regular basis ... but what on earth is a girl (?) gambling for???

Well, that is life in IB for you: everyday is a surprise!

Well, my day started with completing my Math Portfolio which mathematically a dice game between some two people called Ann and Bob (Could someone be more imaginative? well I gave them the relationship of being bickering and quite competitive siblings - like my brother and I). And then the gambling part comes in where we have to adapt this 'innocent' game between siblings to that of a casino and a bank - whoa what fun! I really had fun - from knowing practically nothing about gambling, casinos, or what a bank in a casino is I now know quite a lot! Well, it is very interesting. Moreover, new knowledge and I can be called the Venus flytrap and the burger (did you know that a Venus flytrap can eat a whole foot-long in one go - I got that from the lid of Snapple at Subway®).That is where I gambled virtually. 

Math, new knowledge and me = a very excited me!

Next, answering probably the most potent question from the title - Irish Literature; the answer to that is a name - Sean O'Casey!

Sean O'Casey the playwright whose work I have most recently fallen in love with. Oh what a great writer he is. We, in literature class, are currently reading his 'Juno and the Paycock' something very Irish, very heartwarming at the same time heart burning and passionately written!
Well I will definitely be writing more about this!

Now, the last question - Debatin' Dopin'?
Cad é an hell tarlú? Cén fáth?

Well I am happy to say that I am back to my greatest passion - debating on a competition level. I participated with my team of 3, today, in the 1st round of the British Council Debating Matters 2013. The topic we were debating was - Allowing use of performance enhancement drugs will undermine the spirit of sports. That is where the doping fits in. We debated about the moral, ethical, and legal impacts of allowing doping, and who decides what is doping etc. You will probably be seeing the next post discussing the same.It was really interesting and what was more was that it ignited the same spark in me as it always does, jolting me to do something nobody can beat me at. 

Tadaaa... Bye then! Will be coming up soon with the Premier of the very first serious article on this personal blog!

Sunday, 11 August 2013

College Applications and Capitalism

It sure is a capitalistic world out there.

Everything about universities and college seems to be capitalistic: right from their college applications to the course fees.

The college apps say:

1. Tell us about yourself  (600 characters inclusive spaces)
2. If you graduate before March 2014 say what you plan to do (300 characters inclusive of spaces)

Woah! How am I supposed to put ALL about myself in just 600 characters, the inclusion of spaces practically makes the supposedly HUGE figure of 600 characters 6 lines. It freaking even counts punctuation. What could I possibly say to universities about 9 MONTHS after my graduation in 300 characters????

(Me fuming...)


Well, now that I got all that out of my system.

I think it actually is great. It prevents the 'applicants' to keep track of what they are actually writing and not go off on total tangents. This helps keep their (and definitely my) head out of the clouds. (Yeah I could not write about my plan to make a space craft this summer and my plan to climb Mt. Everest and my plan to make a village self sustainable and make clean energy accessible to the previously dark village)
Well that cut down my dreams, and my language by quiet a lot.

I am running out of steam now. Got a lot to do now. Finishing and submitting my Extended Essay tomorrow so wish me luck....

Will finish the post later.

The fumes are condensing now.

Friday, 2 August 2013


There are few constants in the universe - death, taxes and an IB student complaining about how much work they have to do. This is the first week of August coming to an end - my 16years of life on this enigmatic planet, the memory on my DropBox account and most importantly my IB internals.

I can not express how very relieved I am to be saying this - MY IB INTERNALS ARE OVERRRRRR!!!!

I just want to shout it out to the world. However, as my IBDP draws to an end I am left with a bitter-sweet feeling. Despite working so very hard, I made discoveries and invented new 'things'.Things that will always be a part of me.

Finally, after hours of toiling in the labs and behind computer screens  performing a range of tasks - titrating EDTA with milk samples waiting for miracle to strike and the colour to change from red to blue, making parachutes,launching them and watching them fly, making antennae to catch WiFi signals, analysing Shakespeare, Plath, Sophocles,Fo; and the best (or the most nerve wracking) trying to find trends by analysing Imaginary numbers and dice games. 

While my classmates writhe just barely pulling through, here I am DONE! 
In the next few posts I shall be talking about (or rather complaining about- as is the norm for an IB student) my experiences with my dearest constant in life - IB students and their work.

Cheers for hearing me rant out!

Until next time


Me during my parachute lab for PhysicsHL